The Mound showing what it is capable ofMany alarm clocks were set to crow before the rooster on the morning of Tuesday, 7 September 2010. The days preceding had been wind swept with not a vast amount of surfing taking place. Afternoon sessions the day before took place in 2 foot mush thus with favorable gifts from the ocean looking set for the morning many a surfer kissed their loved ones on the cheek, cashed in their morning pass and tucked themselves into bed as if it were a school night. The Quiksilver Goodwave, an event with a one year waiting period, had been placed on alert only to have that power disconnected by the municipal powers that be because the shark nets had still not been placed back in the water after a history setting sardine run.
And so the early birds arrived in their numbers but it was only the motorised early birds that ate. A combination of high tide and big surf had washed sand up onto the World Cup promenade but not with enough veracity as to put the Wimpy staff in any danger. The swell had arrived but it was not clean. It was not friendly. It was not for those who only had their arms. A jump off the New Pier if poorly timed saw you washed into the Far Bowl in five minutes. I witnessed a crazied water photographer attempt this, what he was hoping to photograph I'm not quite sure. The shark pod attached to ankle was overkill.
Three tow teams were in the water, one being Twiggy and Ryan Butcher. Everyone had their fill. One team hit the throttle out to The Mound. They looked like lint particles. The Mound didn't produce enough of a thrill to keep them there but the mind surfing was monumental.
slideshow is viewable on theBOMBsurf website.
The ocean is their stadium