Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Postcards from Hawaii : 140108


If you have spent any time on the North Shore you will have heard the mention of Ted’s Bakery at least once & dining at Ted’s Bakery is a mandatory requirement. I say mandatory because there is some pretty scrumptous things to fill your stomach with. Me, I tend to sway towards the hamburger and iced green tea. Best burgers only second to Kathys homemade barbiqued burgers that is. And if like me your up a for corner cutting buck saver order two hamburgers, it costs less than the std burger & fries and fills you up twice as much. Besides who would want to suck down a half liter of oil in the process. I hear they have a pretty mean Chocolate Eqlair too.

Swell subsided today but the remnants of a topsy turvey ocean was still present and beaches remained closed for half the day.

Until tomorrow . . no more egg nog on the island so now it is a Grande Vanilla Latte at the BuckStar


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