Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Postcards from London : 120908

**in the Queens English** Good Day,

First things First . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY MURRY. 13, hells bells.

Aaaa I remember my 13th Birthday. Not because anything glamorous occurred butmore because my parents forgot it. Yes parentals you forgot my 13th Birthday for most of the day.

A little history on Big Ben. The name refers to the bell inside the tower. It took 16 horses to transport the bell to the tower on a trolley. It took 18hrs to lift the bell 200ft. Big Ben can in fact be considered a set of twins. The first bell cracked after nearly a year of use thanks to an excessively heavy hammer. A new bell was cast which also cracked. This crack remains as the bell was rotated to hide the crack & a smaller, lighter hammer used. The name is derived from Sir Benjam Hall or a heavyweight boxing champion named Ben Caunt.

Apart from proving me wrong in my statement that the sound is actually a recorded MP3 you gotta love Google. If only I bought shares in the beginning.

It apparently rained today. I was down south & there wasn’t a drop.

I head back to France next Wednesday, can’t wait actually as I need a bit of sand between my toes even though I hate the stuff.

As Kelly Slater won his 5th event this year, 5 of 7 so far, it creates the possibility that he can win his unprecedented 9th World Title in France. If he does it is going to be chaos as the Frenchies truly love the King. If he does & i get hold of a particular lens you will be seeing an image no-one else on that beach will be getting, yes they will get the same fraction of time but now how I want to do it. If I don’t get that lens I will still be getting an angle no one else will.

Until tomorrow . . You are not the best by thinking your the best.

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