Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Postcards from Hawaii : 290108


I am not a member of the community but I cab still question the logic of the North Shore Council. If there is no alternate parking why stop motorists from using what limited areas are available.

Along the Kam Highway, from the point where the Sunset Beach parking commences to just after the entrance to The Banzai Pipeline / Ehukai Beach Park parking lot ends I counted 32 of these No Parking signs which were secretly errected overnight some time last week. I understand the ground is being ruined by cars driving in and out of the mud. But that is the councils own fault. Instead of wasting money on these signs, 90% of which have already been tagged by Banzai Sushi, invest the money which you spent on the blasted things and the money you will be using to create employment for the “Anti-Graffiti” cleaner uppers, yes they do exist, and spend it on a proper drainage system. Rain is one of the cons of living in a tropical climate so come up with a long term solution rather than a quickfix.

You want “those damn” tourists to come spend their money but then you also want to fleece them with parking violations.

I was Barbeque King tonight, Braai Master for the unknown, with some home made pattys. The secret is . . then it wouldn’t be a secret. They were super I tell you!

Until tomorrow . . who is going to be the only photog in South Africa with full frame digital in the water . . ME!!


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